Hiho guys,

if some of you visit the 147th AES in the Javits Convention Centre (New York City) this year or the parallel running NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) and you are interested + find some time to meet me i.e. for a small chat pls feel free to contact me by my email - will give you my local (US/NY) cell number too. This year i'm there for both of my personal companies: dettenbach audio and Syndicat IT & Internet.

I will be there propably at 17. Oct. - but be possibly available on other days (too) as i'm around there att (exhibits are October 16-18 (AES) + 16-17 (NAB)).

(the Starbucks tent near the main entry may be a good common point for short, unconventional meetings - will spent some cups...ß)

anyhow, have a lot of fun! ß)


147th AES pro audio convention in NYC
the Audio Engineering Society
National Association of Broadcasters show 2019 in New York
National Association of Broadcasters